We hope to keep you up to date with the comings and goings of the Brian Mullen family. Annette, Cindy, Kathleen and Jim Ralf and their daughter Simone'

Sunday, February 6, 2011

As I looked at the site this morning, I realized I hadn't written anything since Christmas. It seems we have been running around like chickens with our heads cut off as my Mother used to say. I am sharing a couple of pictures that were taken recently. The Elk picture was taken about 25 miles from here as we were coming home from the Tri-Cities. The Eagle picture was taken last week by a school mate of mine that lives on Hood Canal. He said this was the best eagle picture that he had ever taken. He thought the caption should be. "Don't come back to the nest now, it's too late." It is a beautiful shot. It is Super Bowl Sunday and I am getting ready to go play a round of golf and follow that with a good viewing seat in front of a 60 inch big screen. There's a group of five of us that have been going to my brother-in-law's for the Super Bowl for five years now. It is always a lot of fun. It shouldn't be any different today. Lot's of Food, Wine and Eloquent Expressions of Wisdom as the commercials are viewed and the action unfurls on the field. The weather today is about 46 degrees and no wind for now. They say we will get lots of wind tonight. But after a game of golf and football, I guess we can handle that. Hopefully we will back to regular on this blog shortly.

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