We hope to keep you up to date with the comings and goings of the Brian Mullen family. Annette, Cindy, Kathleen and Jim Ralf and their daughter Simone'

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Although these were shot on Christmas Day, I am a bit slow getting them to the blog. We had a wonderful time in Wenatchee watching little one open presents. She seemed to be much more excited in the tearing of the paper wrappings than for what was wrapped up within. We had a great dinner and as you can see by the above picture just tried to stay warm. We had a blazing fire Christmas evening and the house was almost to warm to go to bed. There's something about a wood fire. I really miss our old wood burner, but Annette says no more mess. We are leaving again tomorrow to go back to Wenatchee to babysit for a New Year's Eve party. I guess we will have to have our own. We went to Yakima today and I think that we have finally broken the cold spell. We have been over freezing three straight days. Maybe there is hope for golf in the near future.

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