We hope to keep you up to date with the comings and goings of the Brian Mullen family. Annette, Cindy, Kathleen and Jim Ralf and their daughter Simone'

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'm sure glad we took the camera. Cindy and I took Kady for a run. We are below the Priest Rapids Dam. This is the last free flowing stretch of the Columbia River in the state of Washington. This gravel bar is generally covered with water. Why today and why we took the camera. Yesterday Annette and Cindy went down and the bar was an island and it had a number of pelicans. We decided to take the camera to get a shot or two. No island, but here came a donkey dick. Seriously that's what they are called. We have had a fire over the ridge and here they came to get water to fight the fire. for once we were at the right spot at the right time. Quite an experience to see them come in, squat and load 1500 gallons of water in about 3 or 4 minutes. Very impressive. We've lived here 16 years and I have never been down to this spot when the river was this low. I might take the pole next time.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fire Watch

Yesterday was a very windy day. The fires had been started the previous day by lightning strikes. All in all we had about 3000 acres burn. If the wind doesn't pick up tonight, it will probably be over. We were never at risk, but as you can see by the picture on the right, we had good viewing last night. We have had this happen two or three times since we've been here. The far side of the river is the Yakima firing range. They believe in the let burn policy. Because of that the road south out of here was closed last night and is still closed this morning. We have heard from Jim and Kathleen and they have found an apartment with a view. Needs some kitchen work, which will give Jim something to do. Cindy came yesterday with Kady, Jim and Kathleen's dog. We are enjoying a beautiful day with no wind. It's about 80 degrees and we love it. Will write more when information is available. Left click on the fire picture to see the interesting effect of the digital camera.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thank God the Mariners Won

Well, this is another wonderful day in the desert and as you can see there are things going on away from the desert that is okay also. Cindy and I went the Mariner-Yankee game on Sunday. It was a great win for the little guys 10-3. We cheered our local favorites as if they were world champions. They are not and will not be in the forseeable future. From the other pic you can see that Zmo is saying . Hey look I'm in real undies. I'm a big girl now and don't you forget it. It was neat to converse by facebook with Kathleen at the game. Stuttgart is 9 hours different. We enjoyed the game and the time on facebook seeing what was going on in Germany. Annette's Mom is with us now. She is having some problems with an infection. We are happy that we are close enough to help. Hopefully she will be able to return to the Manor and make do on her own. We know this is the forewarning that the time will come when we will have to seek a different place to house her. Keep her in your prayers.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

And the summer continues

It looks to me that Jim is having too much fun in Germany. I would certainly like some of that beer. I'll bet it's just as good as Budweiser. They went to a Wedding on Saturday and sounds like they had a good time. We don't know if it was Jim's relatives, someone from the school or a friend that went to Berlin this Spring with Kathleen. I'm sure we'll find out at some point. We are conversing mainly on facebook. Kathleen's laptop went plop and she is using her Ipod, I think. The picture on the right is from a webcam in Glacier National Park. I have been watching it this summer. The picture changes every minute. There has been three osprey raised this summer. It is fun to watch. There are some great pictures of feeding and such. The Website is http://www.nps.gov/glac/photosmultimedia/webcams.htm They have seven cams that give you a good glance of the park. We picked two baskets full of tomatoes today, so I guess we will have some salsa soon. I go for my arthrogram tomorrow. I will keep you informed as to what the choices are. I know that I'm ready to have something done. We'll talk again soon.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Well as you see, we have received our first pics from Germany. The one on the left is from their hotel room. I guess they deliver beer anywhere. I will enjoy that part of the trip. Information is slow and hopefully will increase when they get settled. If you are on facebook, you can follow the travels on Kathleen Mullen Ralf. In the pic on the right you can see all are in the pool of the fountain. Kathleen said it was 85 degrees there and people were using the fountains to cool off. It was 107 here and not a fountain in sight. The weather is supposed to continue on the warm side. Cindy is moved in and enjoying the new surroundings. The animals seem to be doing well. I hope that all works out on both sides of the Atlantic.
