We hope to keep you up to date with the comings and goings of the Brian Mullen family. Annette, Cindy, Kathleen and Jim Ralf and their daughter Simone'

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Well as you see, we have received our first pics from Germany. The one on the left is from their hotel room. I guess they deliver beer anywhere. I will enjoy that part of the trip. Information is slow and hopefully will increase when they get settled. If you are on facebook, you can follow the travels on Kathleen Mullen Ralf. In the pic on the right you can see all are in the pool of the fountain. Kathleen said it was 85 degrees there and people were using the fountains to cool off. It was 107 here and not a fountain in sight. The weather is supposed to continue on the warm side. Cindy is moved in and enjoying the new surroundings. The animals seem to be doing well. I hope that all works out on both sides of the Atlantic.

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